Dog Training

As a Fear Free certified hospital, Fairhaven Veterinary Hospital follows the guidelines of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior and only recommends evidence based, positive reinforcement training. Whatcom and Skagit county are home to many wonderful trainers who share our commitment to fostering the best possible life for our canine friends.

Here is a list of Bellingham-based, certified professional dog trainers using a positive, force-free approach:

Pet Training Services with Jen Walker, CTC, APHE, FPPE, KPA CTP at Fairhaven Veterinary Hospital!

Tails-a-Wagging- Angie, LVT, Certificate Applied Animal Behavior

The Dog Guy- Michael Nichols, BA, CPDT-KA

Nosey Dog Training- Sarah, Certified K9 Nose Work

Confident Canine- Siw Lea, KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA, UW-AAB, Fear Free Certified Trainer

Clever Canine- Celeste Patten CTC, CPDT-KA (Separation Anxiety focus)

The Pawsitive Pooch- Nea

Dogwell Behavior and Training- Erin Truchan, Dip CBST, LVT, CPDT-KA, FDM (Separation Anxiety focus)

Virtual Training and Online Resources

Many local trainers offer virtual coaching, and this is also an opportunity to work with professionals outside of our area.

Chirrups and Chatter- Tabitha Kucera, RVT, KPA-CTP,CCBC, VTS (Behavior), Fear Free and Low Stress Handling Certified

Dogminded- Jenny Efimova, KPA CTP, Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, and a Fear Free Certified Training Professional

Decisive Moment Pet Counseling- Sara McLoudrey, CDBC, CPDT-KSA 

*CPDT-KA: Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed: Comprehensive certification exam and 300 hours of dog training experience.

*KPA-CTP: Karen Pryor Academy, Certified Training Partner: Graduate of the Dog Trainer Professional Program, demonstrating a high level of technical knowledge and hands on skill both training canines and teaching people.

*LVT: Licensed Veterinary Technician: 2-4 year college program and national board exam

*UW-AAB: University of Washington, 9-month PT Applied Animal Behavior Certificate

*CTC: Certificate in Training and Counseling, Jean Donaldson’s Academy for Dog Trainers

*Control Unleashed: Training Program developed by Leslie McDevitt, Instructor Certification through Clean Run

*APHE: Association of Professional Humane Educators

*FPPE: Family Paws Parent Educator

*Dip CBST: Diploma in Canine Behavior Science and Technology from the Companion Animal Sciences Institute

*FDM: Family Dog Mediator