Bringing a dog into the United States

United States Entry Requirements for Dogs from Dog-Rabies Free or Low-Risk Countries


The one form you will need is the CDC Dog Import Form if your dog has been only in countries that are dog rabies-free or low-risk in the 6 months before entering or returning to the U.S. 

Reminder: Washington State requires all dogs, cats and ferrets be rabies vaccinated. If you are entering the United States into Washington, you will also need a rabies certificate from your veterinarian. No USDA endorsement is required. 

Recent Changes

CDC values the feedback received from various countries, industry partners, and the public. CDC simplified the process for meeting requirements for dogs arriving from dog rabies-free or low-risk countries.

Starting on August 1, 2024, the only required documentation for dogs entering or returning to the United States that have been only in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries in the past 6 months is the CDC Dog Import Form.

Dog Rabies-free or Low-risk Countries

To find out if a country is dog rabies-free or low-risk, check this website. Only high-risk countries are listed on the website. If the country is not listed on the website, it is considered a dog rabies-free or low-risk country.

CDC Dog Import Form

For dogs that have been only in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries in the 6 months before U.S. entry, this is the only form that is needed. A receipt will be emailed to you upon submission of the form. You can print the receipt or show it on your phone.

Where can I find the form?

CDC Dog Import Form

Instructions on how to fill out the form.

How long is the form’s receipt valid?

The receipt is valid for 6 months from when it’s issued unless the dog visits a high-risk country during that time.

Can I use the form’s receipt multiple times?

The receipt can be used for multiple entries into the United States as long as the dog has not been in a high-risk country in the past 6 months.

Who completes the form?

This form should be completed by the person importing (bringing) the dog into the United States (the importer, owner, or shipper). If you are completing the form on behalf of an importer who has difficulty completing this form, read the statements aloud to the importer and confirm they understand the information provided and agree to the Terms of Acceptance.

How much does it cost?


How many dogs can be included on one form?

Each dog must have its own form. If you are bringing more than one dog to the U.S., you will need to complete a separate form for each dog.

When should the form be completed?

You can fill out the form on the day of travel. We recommend completing it a few days or up to six months before travel from a dog rabies-free or low-risk country, just to be prepared.

How do I show the form’s receipt to officials?

CDC Dog Import Form receipt can be printed or shown on a phone screen to U.S. customs officials or airlines (if applicable).

What else is required for dogs from dog rabies-free or low-risk countries?

In addition to having a receipt for a CDC Dog Import Form:

• Dogs must appear healthy upon arrival.
• Dogs must be at least 6 months old at time of entry or return to the U.S.
• Dogs must have a microchip that can be detected with a universal scanner to identify them.

Dogs that have been in ANY high-risk countries in the last 6 months

Entry Requirements for U.S.-Vaccinated Dogs from High-risk Countries
Entry Requirements for Foreign-Vaccinated Dogs from High-risk Countries
If your dog is not vaccinated against rabies and has been in a high-risk country for dog rabies in the past 6 months, your dog will NOT be allowed to enter the U.S.